Monday, August 13, 2007


Or was it SUCK-CESS ?? On the Canada wide show EXPOSURE on CBC TV Last night,my full video of The Blimp showed...the Host and Hostess "made faces" and said 'they didn't get it?'--well hell,nothing to get's a minimal style animation I did on the lunacy of wrestler rhetoric ! it was nearly all ad libbed and meant to just be a note to let me remember a brain bubble I had..

so far it has over 8000 views and a rating that usually has it in the the top 10 or so,plus or minus...good news...they gave ME Money !! so twice CBC has bought stuff from me--and twice they have snatched it gratis !

Remember, scroll below, to find out to have your very OWN Terrorist Donut...DVD !

And thanks to Tim Thomas of KNRY in Monterey,ca. for the great Thorndike Pickledish/Walter Wart/KMBY reunion he did on his show,last week !

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Mischief runs rampant !

Recent Pickledish propaganda !!---

A clip of my dastardly video "WET" made the CBC TV air Canada wide Sunday night in a sampler set of varied animation...remember,it's the video you WONT have to look at, if you test drive my "Terrorist Donut" DVD (see post below )--anyway, it seems to have some viewers and votes and the EXPOSURE site is asking for critiques of various online submissions--so I did one,humorously defaming my own work,talking as StormpipeTinkledink--here is that put on !

Meanwhile there have been MAJOR SALES of the "Donut" DVD.....

actually,it's Majer Sales---A fan of the old ZinGRR show Richard Majer of Edmonds Washington recently ordered the disc...I'm not sure his wife Donna has allowed him to watch it yet...after all it takes Noodles Places they've never been before !

Pickledish ! you're incorrigible !!